Flexible Ganache

As a pastry chef, you’re always looking for ways to innovate and elevate your plated dessert. One such versatile ingredient that’s gaining popularity is flexible ganache.

But what exactly is it? It's exactly what it sounds like – a chocolate ganache that's soft and flexible, adding a new dimension to your plated desserts.

What is Flexible Ganache?

Flexible ganache, also known as flexi-chocolate or pliable ganache, is a soft, bendable chocolate ganache that retains its creamy, melt-in-your-mouth quality. It's important to note that pliable ganache is not the same as modeling chocolate, which is a blend of chocolate and glucose syrup often referred to as plastic chocolate. Flexible ganache feels like a creamy chocolate gel but melts readily in the mouth.

This modern culinary technique has been around for about a decade, with its earliest popular reference found in the Alinea cookbook. Pastry chefs who embrace a modernist approach to plated desserts favor flexible ganache for its creamy yet firm texture, which has an elasticity that allows it to be shaped into any form.

The Perfect Texture

To achieve the perfect consistency for flexible ganache, the key lies in the balance of ingredients. Traditional ganache is typically made with chocolate and cream. For flexible ganache, the addition of agar and gelatin plays a crucial role.

  • Agar: This plant-based gelling agent promotes heat resistance, allowing the ganache to be physically manipulated without melting rapidly. Agar is not thermo-reversible and will not melt when reheated; however, using too much can make your ganache "chewy".

  • Gelatin: Gelatin also promotes heat resistance but is thermo-reversible, meaning it melts readily in the mouth. It helps achieve a smooth, flexible texture.

The recipe relies on chocolate for its structural integrity. To introduce flavor, you can infuse the cream with spices or herbs or add an essential oil to the chocolate.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If your ganache isn't setting correctly or is too firm, consider the following tips:

  • Adjust Ratios: Ensure the right balance of chocolate, cream, and gelling agents.

  • Temperature Control: Properly heat and cool your mixture to achieve the desired consistency.

  • Quality Ingredients: Use high-quality chocolate and cream for the best results.

If you're craving more flexible ganache recipes or seeking inspiration for plating them, come join us at The Dessert Lab, the first platform dedicated solely to plated desserts.
Explore our "Ganache" section, where you'll find irresistible options like the vegan version, white chocolate ganache, and even a unique pandan variation.

the dessert lab plated dessert platform

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