Whipped Yogurt: A Versatile Element for Plated Desserts

Whipped yogurt is a versatile and delightful addition to any pastry chef's repertoire. It's a go-to element for quickly elevating a plated dessert, offering a unique texture and flavor profile that perfectly complements a variety of sweet creations.

Whipped Yogurt: A Versatile Element for Plated Desserts

What is Whipped Yogurt?

This recipe is one of my favorites when it comes to creating fast plated desserts. Whipped Greek yogurt is exactly what it sounds like—a delightful cross between airy whipped cream and dense yogurt. The tangy Greek yogurt adds a substantial texture to the whipped cream, creating a consistency that falls somewhere between pudding and mousse. It not only adds richness but also cuts through it with its tanginess.

How to Use Whipped Yogurt:

The beauty of whipped yogurt lies in its versatility. It can be used right away as a topping or as an element for your pre-dessert or plated dessert. Use it to create a quick mousse or as a light cheesecake base. Alternatively, simply dollop it on top of French toast with some berry coulis for a quick dessert.

Tips for Making the Best Whipped Greek Yogurt:

To achieve the best results, start with true Greek yogurt that has been strained to reduce its water content. Look for brands that list only milk and active cultures among the ingredients, such as Fage. Avoid brands that include gum, gelatin, or pectin, as they may produce a thick but watery yogurt.

Feel free to experiment with different types of sweeteners, such as brown sugar, maple syrup, or honey, to tailor the flavor to your liking.

Whipped Yogurt 
100g Greek Yogurt
100g Heavy cream
30g Icing sugar
1g Vanilla
1g Lemon zest

  1. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment (or using a whisk), combine Greek yogurt, heavy cream, icing sugar, vanilla, lemon zest, and a pinch of salt.

  2. Mix at low speed initially, then increase to high and whip until the mixture is thick and stiff, approximately 5 minutes. Be careful not to over-whip.

  3. Use immediately as a soft, whipped cream–like topping, or for a parfait, divide into serving dishes and refrigerate until thickened. 

I recently used whipped yogurt in a refreshing pre-dessert recipe featuring nasturtium sorbet, burnt kiwi, and nasturtium flowers.

The whipped yogurt added a creamy texture and balanced the flavors of the dish perfectly. If you're interested in trying this recipe, head over to The Dessert Lab, where you can find the full recipe along with hundreds of other plated dessert ideas.

the dessert lab the first platform about plated desserts

Whipped yogurt is truly a game-changer in the world of plated desserts. Its versatility, texture, and flavor make it a must-have element for any pastry chef looking to take their creations to the next level.


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